
Coffha 7th Annual Grand Meeting

History was made once again on June 13, 2024, when the Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) held its 7th annual AGM at the prestigious Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. During the AGM, the association’s audited accounts for 2022 and 2023 were presented and approved.

A highlight of the event was the election of new officers to lead the association for the next two years. The AGM was well attended both in person and virtually. The following distinguished women emerged as the new leaders:

  • Barr. Augustina Igbokwe, President
  • ChiefChizor Malize, Vice President
  • Lady Gloria Okeke, General Secretary
  • Lady Ngozi Okoro, Financial Secretary
  • Lady Uche Obi, Publicity Secretary
  • Oguefi Prisca Nwadialo
  • Lady Ijeoma Otti-Onyeri
  • Lady Obiageli Anubi, Welfare
  • Nkechi Ali-Balogun, Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio Member)

In her farewell speech, the Outgoing President, whose term lasted four years, encouraged the new executive team to build on the strong foundation established over the years. She urged them to lead COFFHAto even greater heights ofimpact and influence, emphasizing the importance of being champions of change, advocates for justice, and beacons of hope for women and children everywhere.

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COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative March Hospital Outreach At The General Hospital, Gbagada

COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative March Hospital Outreach At The General Hospital, Gbagada Read More »

COFFHA Team Visits LASUTH, Gave Financial Assistance To In-Patients

COFFHA Team Visits LASUTH, Gave Financial Assistance To In-Patients Read More »

2021 COFFHA Food Day

COFFHA, on Saturday March 27, 2021, held its annual Food Day event in Lagos. The event, themed COFFHA Feeds The Needy, was held at the open space under the bridge at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos.

Due to the challenges as a result of the COVID-19 global crisis, The Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) rose up to the challenge to alleviate the effect of the pandemic by making provision for food items to be distributed amongst needy men, women, youths and children in the Surulere Local Government of Lagos State.

The event, which took over three hours to conclude, was generously supported by the Chairman of the Surulere Local Government which provided adequate security throughout the duration of the event.

Over 2,000 food packs and drinks were shared for the locals as people came out en masse for the event, including the physically challenged, law enforcement officers, destitutes and street urchins popularly known as area boys.

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COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative (CHHI)

COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative (CHHI) is a health-based initiative. The purpose of COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative is to assist patients in paying their medical bills.

Past records have shown that the Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) is committed to rendering assistance to individuals and families who are unable to pay for their medical bills. People die from the inability to pay for medical treatments of ridiculous amounts which are as low as  N4,000.00.

With as low as N1,000.00, you can be a part of this initiative by contributing your widow’s mite in saving lives. Donations are welcomed from well-meaning individuals and corporate organizations. All donations should be forwarded to the COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative (CHHI)’s account details provided below:

Account name:           COFFHA Helping Hands Initiative (CHHI)

Bank name:                 Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB)

Account no.:               0626484551

The initiative is open to members of the association, their relatives and the general public

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COFFHA 2020 Virtual Summit: Curbing the Rising Incidents of Sexual Abuse in Africa

The Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA)  held its inaugural annual summit on Wednesday, 4th of November, 2020. The theme of the event was ‘Curbing the Rising Incidents of Sexual Abuse in Africa.’

The summit which was held virtually had Ambassador Arikana Quoa, Founder and President of the Africa Diaspora Development Institute (ADDI) as the keynote speaker. Other lined up speakers included Her Excellency (H.E.), Erelu Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi – the First Lady of Ekiti State; Anita Kemi DaSilva – Ibru MD, MPH – Founder, Women at Risk International Foundation (WARIF); Mr. Peter Mancha – Programme Manager, UN Women and Mr. Ubong King – President, Ubong King Foundation. A notable personality at the summit was Her Excellency (H.E.), the First Lady of Enugu State, Mrs. Monica Ugwuanyi.

There has been a long history of Gender Based Violence (GBV) though barely reported and mostly undocumented. Due to stigmatization and humiliation, women are unwilling to report cases of sexual harassments and domestic violence, thereby leading to an insufficiency documentation of tangible data around the subject matter.

As the society began to encourage women to speak up, there has been remarkable increase in the reports and documentations of the incidences such as incest, rape, molestation, and sexual abuse. The increase in the willingness of women to speak out gave rise to the number of reported GBV incidences that have been on the increase in the last three years. The year 2020 experienced a surge in GBV cases, especially during the months of the lockdown precipitated by the COVID-19 global pandemic. The media was awash with reports that show the alarming spike in incidents and consequences of GBV over the last six months. Local media reported that almost 4,000 schoolgirls got pregnant in Kenya while there was a 50% increase in GBV within the first six months of 2020 in Liberia. In Nigeria, due to the alarming rise in GBV incidents during the lock down and public outcry, all state governors declared a state of emergency on GBV in June, 2020. The rise of GBV cases during this period of pandemic is not peculiar to Africa alone as WARIF report stated that there has been an increase in GBV cases globally by 20%. France and Argentina reported 30% and 25% increase in cases of domestic violence during the lock down respectively.

The virtual summit was kicked off by the COFFHA’s Publicity and Marketing Executive, Chizor Malize, who shared that Community of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) has executed several community developmental programmes for over two decades of its existence and to take the narrative further, COFFHA has brought together knowledgeable individuals to share insights on the shadow pandemic – sexual abuse which has risen steeply during the COVID-19 global pandemic.  She also said that ‘’COFFHA is visionary and dynamic in seeking ways to bring knowledge to the forefront. One of such is enabling discussions and deliberations around sustainable solutions to address the increasing rise in sexual abuse in Africa.’’

According to Nkechi Ali-Balogun, the President of COFFHA, in her welcome address stated that the GBV including rape, domestic violence and sexual abuse has assumed a serious dimension globally. It has increased at an alarming rate in Africa and Nigeria. The GBV has remained a shameless masquerade in the society. She further shared that the lockdown due to the COVID-19 global pandemic portrayed a quantum rise in rape and sexual violence reports – “Within the last nine months, women have been expose to sexual harassments  thus making it a shadow pandemic.” This informed the need to put together this intellectual discourse to share, advocate, and advance sustainable solution to this hidden threat.

Her Excellency, Ambassador Arikana Chihombori Quao, in her keynote address shared that sexual abuse is not just an African issue, but a world-wide phenomenon and it needs to be uprooted from the roots by engaging the route of education. Speaking on how to curb GBV, “Serious legislation needs to be discussed and introduced. The more we talk about the issue in platforms like this, the more we continue to remind and empower the girl child that it’s fine to speak up. We also need to create more shelters for victims of GBV.  Girls that are abused by family members can be put under a roof where they can be assured of safety and protection.’’

She commended the efforts of COFFHA for putting together the apt and impactful seminar, indicating that the forum would serve as an avenue to highlight and amplify the voices of the voiceless which are the women and girls.

Speaking at the summit, the First Lady of Ekiti State, Erelu Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi posited that a lot has been done at the state and national level to curb GBV in Nigeria. However, there is a need to deepen the intervention strategies. She brilliantly highlighted eight different intervention strategies that the government, institutions and individuals can adopt to curb the rising menace. The first is the need to continue the call for a state of emergency on GBV. According to her, it is more impactful if all arms of government, as well as public institutions declare their own state of emergency on GBV and apply it to their various institutions. Other strategies listed by her include effective implementation of legal and policy frameworks, effective coordination of mechanisms for curbing GBV at national and state levels, more women empowerment initiatives, community ownership, ensuring treatments, care and protection mechanisms for GBV victims, funding and provision of psychosocial support for victims and lastly, more partnerships.

‘’Government needs to execute more women empowerment initiatives. When women are empowered educationally and financially, then we can break the circle of suffering and oppression. Also, communities need to own the issue. They need to buy into the argument that we cannot have a society that condones violence against women and girls. When a community buys into this conversation, they will unlikely sabotage government and institutions’ efforts in the fight against GBV,’’ she said.

Kemi DaSilva-Ibru, in her presentation revealed that within two weeks of the lockdown, WARIF recorded a 72% increase in distress calls received with 64% of the calls being women at risk. Over 3,600 rape cases were recorded across Nigeria during the lockdown which pushed for the call for state of emergency declared in June, 2020.


According to her, sustainable solutions that Non-Governmental Organizations can implement include development of comprehensive health services for women at risk via services provided at Sexual Assault Referral Centres, promotion of the need for education and implementation of educational programmes, creation of awareness and advocacy about violence against women in all communities targeting different audiences and groups,  collation and provision of collated data to monitor trends and patterns, and inclusion of boys and men in the conversation.

Peter Mancha in his session noted that weak mechanism for the prevention of sexual violence including monitoring and reporting mechanisms continues to account for the rising incidence of GBV cases amongst other factors. “The COVID-19 global pandemic has deepened pre-existing inequalities, exposing vulnerabilities in social, political and economic systems,’’ he said. He again emphasized the strong need for support from men in fighting GBV.

Ubong King, also a speaker at the summit, listed that culture and religion has played a huge part in the rise of sexual violence. Women have been second placed and their voice subdued. He pushed for the empowerment of women, enlightening them of their value and potentials and the education of men as core players in curbing sexual abuse in Africa and globally.

By virtue of registration, over 200 participants from all walks of life signed up for the summit. Feedback from attendees of the session acknowledged that the summit was highly revealing and exposing. It also proffered practicable and result-driven solutions to the shadow pandemic facing countries globally.

The post-event publicity was well publicized in several top Nigerian newspapers, thereby giving the event wider coverage for people who couldn’t attend the event when it was aired.

Event Photos

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COFFHA Okun-Ajah Medical Outreach – Second Edition

COFFHA’s second medical outreach which was also a huge success. Coming off the back of the equally successful first edition, the medical team on ground made up of volunteers and professional medical personnel administered tests such as blood sugar level, blood pressure, malaria etc. and dispensed drugs and medication to the patients who had gathered from far and wide to benefit from the benevolence and philanthropy of COFFHA.

Provisions and toiletries were also distributed to the participants of the medical outreach who all expressed appreciation and gratitude for the association’s generosity.

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COFFHA Is Constructing Skills Acquisition Centre In Okun-Ajah

The Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) recently laid the foundation for a Skills Acquisition Centre it intends to build for widows and the less privileged within the Okun-Ajah Community in Ajah, Lagos.

Using the opportunity to hold a medical outreach for the widows in the community, the foundation gathered no fewer than 3,000 men, women and children, who benefitted from the exercise.


Speaking during the free medical exercise and ground breaking ceremony of the Vocational Training Centre, the president of COFFHA, Mrs. Carol Ufere, said it was a way of giving back to the society.

“This year is a little different in the sense that over the years we have always done widows empowerment every year during which we give widows starters packs to start off trade and then we monitor them to see that they are doing well in their various different businesses.

“But we noticed that a lot of women were getting sick without having a means to carter for themselves medically. So, we felt that it was not just enough to give them a source of income but to as well carter for their physical wellbeing. So, today we are having our ground breaking ceremony and a health outreach which is annual for us”, she noted.

Ufere explained further that after realising that some of these women were not utilising the money given to them for their businesses as planned, but expended the money on other pressing matters, the need for a skill acquisition centre arose.

“It has been difficult getting them to stay focus on their trade and so we felt that rather than give them money as such, let us empower them by building capacity in them through skills acquisition so that they can have training in specific trade.

“We felt that it is not usually okay to give people just fish but to teach them how to fish so that they can be sustainable. This would enable them have a source of income that is continuously running, so that even when you are tired, others can continue where you stopped so that you can continue to have something to eat.”

So, first of all, Ufere said the group had to buy a land with the help of its supporters, donors and benefactors, adding, “you know we cannot do it all alone. Fortunately we have people who share in our vison. So after we bought this land, we held our first health outreach in October 2018 and then the recent one in November 2019, during which we laid the foundation for the skill acquisition centre which we intend to build for the community.

“Incidentally, we are sourcing for funds to start building the structure and all we are waiting for is to get funding to be able to start the building. It has been tough, I must say. Getting the money is big challenge. But we believe and trust in God that He would make it possible.

“So, today we have invited friends who have believed in us and have graciously put their money in what we do. They did it out of faith without knowing if we would use their money for other things than said but today we have brought them here and they have seen where we have put their money, they can actually see that we are working and that they are dealing with women with integrity and we have come to show to them our labour of several years.

“Our guests have come and they have seen what we are doing, now they have the confidence that the money they have been giving us over the years, no matter how small, are now being utilised and they are very happy knowing that we are women with integrity and proven track records, who have said we are for charity and we are really doing charity”, Ufere said.

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Quarterly donation of food items, clothing materials, toiletries and cash to various orphanages

Some of the beneficiaries of this donations are:

  • Bethesda home for the blind
  • Heart of Gold Hospice Surulere
  • Arrows of God Orphanage Ajah
  • Majidun Destitute Home, Ikorodu
  • Okun-Ajah Community in Lekki
  • Alade Market women
  • Maryland Community

Quarterly donation of food items, clothing materials, toiletries and cash to various orphanages Read More »

COFFHA Visits LUTH, Gives Cash Support to Indigent Sick Children

Committee of Friends for Humanity (COFFHA) in furtherance to its vision to provide humanitarian assistance to alleviate the sufferings amongst women and children, visited the Pediatric Ward, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi Araba, Lagos recently to provide emotional and financial support to indigent parents of children battling with different ailments at the hospital.

The COFFHA visit saw hope ignited among the beneficiaries as the charity organisation gave cash support to over 25 children from indigent families. The cash donation which many beneficiaries considered as a timely intervention was gladly received by parents of the sick children who expressed their gratitude for their kind gesture.

The beneficiaries include baby Joseph who has spent over 18 days in the incubator since after delivery, baby Agbeje, who has just been transferred from the incubator to a cot, a recently delivery in-born quadruplets among others.

Thanking the charity organisation for identifying with them in their time of need, one of the parents, Mrs Agbeja said the cash gift will go a long way in helping the family give their son the best treatment he needs to survive and live a healthy life.

The President, COFFHA, Mrs Carolyn Ufere, said the group, as part of its commitment to identifying with the needy amongst women and children, pays quarterly charity visits to orphans and sick people to give out cash support and other gift items to them. She said, “We usually organise a quarterly event where we give out cash, food and gift items to orphans and sick people. This time around we decided to come to LUTH and see babies that are from indigent homes to offer assistance to their families to enable them to get the needed medical treatment to overcome their predicament,” said Ufere.

Disclosing that the visit to LUTH was the third of its kind this year, Ufere said COFFHA understands how challenging it can be for parents managing sick children, especially the cost of providing adequate medical treatment. Against this backdrop among others, according to her, informed the group’s resolve for quarterly visit hospitals to give financial supports and other forms of assistance for the children.

Speaking further, COFFHA president appealed to the public, especially privileged individuals in the society, to spare a thought for the sick and show them love by extending assistance. “My message to people out there is that in whichever way and however little you can afford, please extend and give out to those who are in need. Lend a helping a hand, it goes a long way. It might not solve the entire problem but it goes a long way in affecting lives,” she said.

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