Committee of Friends For Humanity



Committee of Friends For Humanity, COFFHA Nigeria was incorporated in January, 1993 as a non-profit organization whose main focus is the upliftment of the less privileged women and children in our society.

Our impact
Helping the less privileged and creating a better quality of living for the poor

About Committee of Friends For Humanity (COFFHA)

COFFHA is a charity, non-profit organization created to provide humanitarian assistance in the society. COFFHA is unique because it is made up of women who have excelled in various fields of endeavour and have merited recognition for their integrity and selfless contributions to their individual professions, communities and the society at large.

COFFHA has built its reputation on its ability to quickly respond to needs arising in the society wherever and however it can assist without discrimination on the grounds of age, political or religious beliefs.

Our Vision

To bring hope and social justice where the less privileged can live in dignity and security

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the society, drawing strength from our individual diversities, resources and experiences.

Want to make a difference?

Join us as we contribute to resolve humanitarian causes